As a child, Erin was surrounded with pictures in her home: on the walls and in albums that she spent hours upon hours studying. Erin and her sisters were also consistently photographed; They often referred to their family as "snap happy." It is no surprise that she developed a passion not only for photography, but for printed photographic art.
She realized, rather quickly, that it was not an exclusively personal or family-based significance when her daughter, Gina, came along and also found meaning, and joy, and purpose in looking through memories of herself with the people she loved and places she knew in yearly albums that Erin made for her.
Erin found the significance poured over into her client images as well- seeing emotional responses from teenagers and parents and even young children when they saw themselves and the people they love as their authentic and genuine selves.
Every child, every teenager, and every adult deserves to feel valued and included as part of a family unit. Families change over time, and every new stage of a family, regardless of cause, needs to be photographed, and that new stage needs physical representation in the space of the home. It is special, and valuable, and magical.
Milestones- both personal and family-based- need to be documented and celebrated!
Let's celebrate together.
- What are your hours?
We primarily book sessions in the evenings, during golden hour, on an as-needed basis through the week, and on weekends either for sunrise sessions or late afternoon, dusk, and golden hour sessions. We prefer to photograph indoors in the case of late morning or early afternoon sessions, which we can only book on weekends.
- Where are you located?
We are located in Shelbyville, KY, about half way between Louisville and Lexington. We serve the surrounding areas as well. We travel to sessions up to an hour and a half away.
- Do I need a consultation before booking?
Yes! The consultation allows us to get acquainted, and to talk about expectations for the session: both your expectations and mine. We cover such topics location, clothing coordination options, and if any props are needed. We also talk about the kind of artwork you are looking for as far as actual product- the piece that will hang on your wall or a book that will sit on your coffee table, and the aesthetic you are hoping to convey through the artwork. The consultation is very important to ensure you receive what you envision.